---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Joseph Seddon <jseddon@wikimedia.org>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul, 2020, 10:03 PM
Subject: [Wikimediaindia-l] Fundraising in India - Launched
To: <wikimediaindia-l@lists.wikimedia.org>

Hey all,

It makes me very happy to announce we have at last launched our fundraiser in India :) This has been a huge effort and I want to thank the community members who have passed on feedback, tested our infrastructure, forwarded tweets and news stories, and just generally been amazingly supportive :)

Like our other fundraising campaigns this will run for around 4 weeks. If you are regularly seeing banners, I recommend you log in to your wikimedia accounts on wiki. We don't show banners to logged in users so as to not disrupt their work.

As before: 

* If you need to report a bug or technical issue, please create a phabricator ticket [https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/task/edit/form/1/?template=118862].
* If you see a donor on a talk page, OTRS or social media having difficulties in donating, please refer them to donate@wikimedia.org.
* If you have specific ideas to share, please feel invited to add them to our fundraising ideas page [https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising/2019-20_Fundraising_ideas].
You can also contact me directly with my email address seddon@wikimedia.org and I can forward your feedback to the right person on the team.

Thank you everyone!


Senior Community Relations Specialist
Advancement (Fundraising), Wikimedia Foundation
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