The Volunteer Strategy Day is already overdue by several months. I hope that nobody is assuming that having the VSD just before the AGM excuses the AGM from trying to involve volunteers as much as possible?

'Elections to the Board' is indeed an important aspect of the AGM agenda, but postal voting means that members aren't going to turn up just for that item. I'd much rather members turned up for the AGM because they found something of interest per se, rather than just hanging on because they've been to the VSD.


On 19 June 2015 at 21:48, Chris Keating <> wrote:

> I don't need to travel to London to have somebody read "Report by XYZ" to me. YMMV.

There is of course the volunteer strategy day prior to the AGM. And there will be elections to the Board. Both are important ways to influence the direction of the charity for the future!


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