2008/7/13 Andrew Gray <shimgray@gmail.com>:
2008/7/13 Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton@gmail.com>:
>> Unless anything was brought up today at the London meetup, it would be good
>> if we could press on with working on this one bid. It would be better to
>> work on one *brilliant* bid, than two or more good bids.
> Agreed. Does anyone want to make a case for a London bid, or shall we
> all concentrate on Oxford now?

Momentum is good.

We discussed Oxford last year, and the only qualm was accessibility.
I'm still reasonably sanguine about this - it's a 1h40 bus ride from
London, 1h on the train, regular buses from the London airports, etc

- Andrew Gray

Not that long. I think it's about 2 hours or less from Cairo Airport to Alexandria, for this year's conference. We could try and get a discount on coaches/trains.

Al Tally