Hello everyone,

New Wikimedia UK Trustee Alastair McCapra has shared this news story with us today that National Geographic has been searching through its archives and has created a photo blog using the website Tumblr.

As you'll see there are some incredibly striking images there. They are using the blog to sell prints so they aren't freely licensed but the idea occurs to me that a similar image blog for Commons would be a great idea and could also serve as an excellent way to promote Wiki Loves Monuments (for example). I wonder if anyone would be inspired to give this a go...

You can see the news story here and visit the Tumblr (which I heartily recommend) here.


Stevie Benton
Communications Organiser
Wikimedia UK
+44 (0) 20 7065 0993 / +44 (0) 7803 505 173

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