The Foundation, and Wikimedia Deutschland, have set up a "participation grants" initiative to fund people going places to do things in the Wikimedia movement. We've already identified giving travel grants of this nature as something we should do in 2012. We've been invited to take part and commit a sum of money towards it, but aren't sure whether we should or not.

Basically, the advantages we might gain are that it might be simpler (both for us and the applicants) if there was one global grants programme rather than us doing our own thing.

The disadvantage would be that we'd have less direct control over what that element of grant might be spent on, we might need to take on some of the work of deciding on a wider group of grant applications, and also the fact that the dividing line between what the Foundation does and what Chapters do is very unclear at the moment and this might further muddy it.

Does anyone here have a view?

