Dear All,

Physiological Society is having an annual conference on 3-5 July in Edinburgh. They are giving Wikipedia a slot on Monday 2 July 4-6pm. They would like to have an introductory
presentation and some examples of how articles have been edited to show to the attendees of the conference. It would be a presentation more than a workshop because of the time constraints. The idea is to use this session to promote an actual training event to happen later on in the year in London and make attendees feel confident to make small edits and corrections to articles. The projected attendance for this presentation is quite small (10 people max). 
Brian McNeil is potentially doing the presentation, but is there anybody else interested in case he is unavailable? Due to the location and the small scale of the event this would be a good opportunity for somebody with easy transport links to Edinburgh. 

Please do let me know if you are interested.


Daria Cybulska
Events Organiser
Wikimedia UK
+44 (0) 207 065 0994
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