Afternoon all,

I've had some free time today so looked into the technical gap Wikimedia UK is facing (this is somewhat tied into the 2013 activity plan/budget). My understanding is that the developer job failed to recruit a suitable candidate. I've not seen any feedback on that, but at the time I did criticise the process and suggested this might happen (not intending to gloat, just pointing this out).

One of the major problems, I think, was we wanted a multi-skilled individual with management experience... at a rate around £10,000 less than the average for London (and that is conservative).

As I was such a staunch critic :) it seems only fair that I make the effort to submit a proposal I think would work out for us next year. To wit; I am proposing we fill the technology gap short term by contracting an individual one day per week. This will be a little more expensive than one-fifth of the full-time rate proposed before - but because it is contracted we are more likely to find someone able to address the varied requirements.

My estimate for contractor cost + a technical budget (for servers, travel, etc.) is about £17,000 - just over half of this years budget. This based on my experience of doing similar work.

The proposal is drafted here:

If you have a moment to comment on it that would be great! Ideally the community needs to identify exactly what development needs it has - and establish some fixed goals for hiring. If we can do this I am confident we could fill this gap.

And if it seems ridiculous say so :) I am simply trying to present a possible option.
