When the Board discussed it last we said we'd wait until WMF decided - but the feeling was in favour of opting out.

I've added it to http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Meetings/2009-05-05/Agenda

Let me know if you think it needs to be dealt with before then.


----- Original Message -----
From: "David Gerard" <dgerard@gmail.com>
To: "James Forrester" <jdforrester@gmail.com>
Cc: wikimediauk-l@lists.wikimedia.org
Sent: Tuesday, 28 April, 2009 18:07:08 GMT +00:00 GMT Britain, Ireland, Portugal
Subject: Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Phorm opt-out for wikimedia.org.uk?

2009/4/28 James Forrester <jdforrester@gmail.com>:

> Assuming all goes well, I'm about not to be (at least for
> wikimedia.co.uk; if that works, we'll do .org.uk immediately
> thereafter). Not sure about timings etc.

Oh yes, any and all!

> Happy to undertake any action which the Board requests of me, of course. :-)

I'm thinking of the publicity utility of the phrase "The Board of
Wikimedia UK unanimously voted that wikimedia.org.uk and
wikimedia.co.uk should be opted out of Phorm, and a request has been
sent to this effect."

- d.

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