It's been tried from time to time. The problem you hit is that most people don't have time to attend events that tend to take place when people are at work and even those that are around at the relevant times to run into travel issues.

On 15 May 2014 12:33, David Gerard <> wrote:
On 15 May 2014 11:34, Andy Mabbett <> wrote:

> Reading about the making of videos at Eurovison:
> I was stuck by the positive response to the "Wikiepdia
> representative", not least engendered by his use of a branded
> microphone windshield (see third picture in the above post) [*].

I'll note that when I tweeted/Facebooked that post, a few people's
attention was caught by the idea of becoming an accredited Wikipedia
representative. Brian McNeil outlined how to become an accredited
Wikinews reporter, though I'm not sure what accreditation Albin was

So, something like this - even a per-event accreditation - would be
very useful in gathering content and spreading the mission.

- d.

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