On 13 May 2015 at 12:33, Martin Poulter <infobomb@gmail.com> wrote:
It's absolutely within my remit, and it looks like I will be making tutorial videos about this and other topics.I hope the interest I create among Oxford GLAMs will lead to training events or transcribe-a-thons: It's early days yet. There will certainly be more content added to Wikisource as a result.

This is an area on which I'd have plenty to say, firstly as someone active on Wikisource over the past six years, who has been in discussions about the Welsh and Gaelic Wikisources with relevant Wikimedians in Residence. 

Moving on to Richard Nevell's query also: I think the WMUK wiki needs a Training portal to focus attention on the issues. And thinking about that should take into account recent Tech committee discussions, as well as the restructuring.
