Membership is 498.

On 15 July 2017 at 07:47, Fæ <> wrote:
Having read through the report, I can see no direct statement of
membership numbers apart from an income from membership fees, which
does not break down individuals from organizations.

Could someone point me to where the membership statistics are on the
WMUK site? I recall this page of stats showed trends in membership
over the years, which was handy to assess if the charity was growing
in membership.

P.S. It is a pity that the entire report is all rights reserved, and
the PDF has been released in a non-searchable format.


On 12 July 2017 at 13:57, Nicola Furness
<> wrote:
> Dear all
> Ahead of our Annual General Meeting this Saturday 15th July, our Annual
> Report and Accounts for the year ending 31st January 2017 have been
> published online here. Our Annual Review - with the narrative highlights of
> the Annual Report - will be published online later this week, with hard
> copies included in delegate packs at the meeting.
> For those of you who have already registered to attend the AGM, we are
> looking forward to seeing you. We have now reopened registration with some
> limited tickets still available. Unfortunately we do have a limited
> capacity, so we ask that anyone who has registered but is no longer able to
> make it to please cancel your registration to allow space for others. Please
> do not attend the AGM without having registered - we don't want to have to
> turn people away on the day.
> Best wishes
> Nicola Furness

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