I don't think it's productive (or helpful) to have a discussion like this on a public mailing list, and would ask that if people have comments on this, that they be directed to info@wikimedia.org.uk. Bear in mind that everyone concerned is a real person, so we need to keep discussions like this private to avoid anyone being outed, or accused of misbehaviour, in a public forum. 

On 10 January 2012 21:09, Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton@gmail.com> wrote:
On 10 January 2012 18:50, Edward at Logic Museum <edward@logicmuseum.com> wrote:
> This is a test message to see if I have the right of reply to some of the
> more allegations made here, about me.

I have received your email, so yes, you can still post here. I would
ask that you keep your response brief and to the point, though. I
doubt anyone here wishes to engage in a lengthy debate with you over
this. Keep in mind that you do not have a right to attend Wikimedia UK
events. The trustees are obliged to act in whatever way they feel will
best further our charitable objectives and if they feel that you being
at its events will do more harm to those objectives than good, then
they have no choice but to ban you. I suggest you frame your response
in those terms - why is it in the interests of Wikimedia UK to allow
you to attend its events?

Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: http://uk.wikimedia.org