Indeed, if I may bring in a bit of a non-UK perspective: It sounds overbroad to me to subject everyone to a CRB check.
Instead, why wouldn't it be possible (and I think this idea was even brought up here already) to ask all the board members (and associated volunteers) to sign a policy that they will permit a CRB check once they actually do something together with children (e.g. workshops in schools).
Usually, it will be a rather small group that ends up actually *doing* this kind of things - I'm not really sure why the webmaster or the treasurer need a CRB check if they are never involved in school work.
Oh, and before this is pointed out in reply: Did someone check whether a CRB check is necessary just for handling addresses of children resp. for having access to them qua board member? I openly admit that I don't know UK law here, but this seems rather absurd to me - does anyone have sources on this?

Best wishes,

2008/9/10 Sarah McCulloch <>
I was CRB checked a year ago because I supported disabled students, which makes sense (even though I had the full on Enhanced check and all it does is check to see what the police have on you - Name changes and or careful law-breaking never turns up...). As I indicated before, CRB checking a bunch of bureaucrats seemed both expensive and time-wasting. If board members were going to take up going into schools and doing workshops, I could understand it, but the interim board seems to be dedicated to mostly form filling.

2008/9/10 Gordon Joly <>
I was CRB checked a few years for some freelance work I did with
homeless people. Working with directly children *and* vulnerable
people requires checks.


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