John - you are in the office tomorrow - let's draw up a plan as to what needs to happen and make it one of the first tasks of the new GLAM organiser.

On 16 January 2013 17:28, John Byrne <> wrote:
WMUK were ready to support WLM last year (I was the speaker at the last AGM) but the main problem was that no one stepped up to run it. To answer Harry's question on how much work is needed, & talked about it with several from the Netherlands & elsewhere, & had meetings about doing it in the UK, I'm pretty sure the short answer is - a lot!  There is the possibility this year that the expanded office staff would be able to do much or nearly all of this (which we have not discussed), but otherwise we remain where we were a year ago.  The Geograph issue has probably reduced the motivation for many, but is not an obstacle as such. The talks we had showed there were things Geograph is very good at (broad exterior shots) but others it was not (interiors, details of various kinds, special sorts of buildings ....) and we could skew the competition towards those.  This year the AGM will be I think too late to start the process though, but if it is underway, then a progress report at the AGM would certainly be a good idea.


Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 16:49:28 +0000
From: Andrew Gray<>
To: HJ Mitchell<>,  UK Wikimedia mailing list
Subject: Re: [Wikimediauk-l] WikiConference 2013 Speakers
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

As I recall, the objections were in part that we have most of this
material already on Commons (via Geograph), but badly organised. I
don't know if that's changed, or if we've got a better idea of what's
out there...

- Andrew.

On 16 January 2013 16:45, HJ Mitchell<hjmitchel

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