Good to see this stuff being shared on Wikimedia lists.

On 6 March 2014 10:42, Pat Hadley <> wrote:

Hi all,

I know Toni Sant has presented at this before but it would be great to see more innovative, heritage-based, openGLAM stuff presented here.


Pat Hadley

Call for Papers: Digital Heritage 2014: Digital Communities in Action

The call for papers for Digital Heritage 2014 is now open. We would like to invite proposals for 20 minute papers and we welcome submissions from researchers in any field. This year the conference theme will be Digital Communities in Action and so we are particularly keen to encourage presentations which relate to the role of diverse communities in Digital Heritage research.

Our keynote talk will be delivered by Prof. Catherine Clarke (Southampton) and will be entitled You are here: medieval heritage and the modern city.

The conference will be held on the 12th July 2014 in the Berrick Saul building at the University of York. 

The Centre for Digital Heritage is an international multi-institutional research centre focussed on innovative inter-disciplinary research in the field of Digital Heritage. The centre includes Aarhus University, Leiden University, Uppsala University and The University of York.


For more information please refer to the conference website:

Please send abstracts of 200 words to before Monday 14th April.

Pat Hadley
cultural sector brain-for-hire

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