Well do we know what reasons other than cost or “the wrong continent” have been given for bids failing in the past?


Re: Al, We’ll know better where we are with accommodation after I’ve had this meeting with the OII director. If I convince him a meeting will then be arranged with the master of Balliol and we can find out quite how generous (if at all) they’re prepared to be towards us. I don’t think it would hurt to have someone else at the meeting, so if anyone can make it let me know.




From: wikimediauk-l-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org [mailto:wikimediauk-l-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org] On Behalf Of joseph seddon
Sent: 23 July 2008 00:45
To: wikimediauk-l@lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: [Wikimediauk-l] Wikimania Oxford 2010 Tasks


I think its time we created a list of tasks, this should exist both on the mailing list as it is a relatively quick form of communication for discussion, and also in a more formal sense on the big page/subpages for reference. At the moment we are sorting out a venue, we also need to think about sponsorship soon. Apparently the bidding process is starting earlier than before, how much earlier i cant be sure. So we need to get as much done as possible. What else do we need to be thinking about?


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