I think you visited in the pre-mug era... but I know there's at least one mug in Hong Kong somewhere!

Harry raises a good point, but there is an issue here that we need to be promoting ourselves within the movement to some degree. We need to be seen as a successful chapter, and a chapter which others want to emulate. Over the past few weeks - thanks in no small part to Monmouth and the other GLAM events - we've achieved that. The reception of WMUK at Wikimania was very, very good - even from the arbitrators I went out drinking with. 

We also need to make sure that when Wikimedia UK does something fantastic, people actually attribute it to Wikimedia UK, and not the Wikimedia Foundation. Merchandise is only a very small part of that, but if UK volunteers do something fantastic, it should be UK volunteers that get the credit. Having a low public profile for WMUK means that that is less likely to happen.

Tom and Harry are broadly right though, I think - 'swag for the public' should be largely project-branded, and 'swag for volunteers to use',  should be more Wikimedia-UK branded. Does that make sense?

Richard Symonds
Wikimedia UK
0207 065 0992
Disclaimer viewable at http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia:Email_disclaimer 
Visit http://www.wikimedia.org.uk/ and @wikimediauk

On 27 July 2012 14:25, Deryck Chan <deryckchan@gmail.com> wrote:

On 27 July 2012 13:59, David Gerard <dgerard@gmail.com> wrote:
On 27 July 2012 13:57, HJ Mitchell <hjmitchell@ymail.com> wrote:

> Without wishing to prompt an influx of comments about visual identity etc, I
> think we should be wary of promoting the chapter (not just with merchandise)
> over the projects which the chapter exists to support.
> Wikipedia is a much more recognisable brand and the largest and most
> successful project WMUK supports and thus (imo) makes for the most desirable
> and attention-grabbing merchandise.

We should consider that this isn't merchandise for sale, but giveaway
swag - chapters can't sell merchandise (yet), just give it away. (Go
visit WMUK and get away without a coffee mug.)

Wait - no one told me I was entitled to a mug when I visited!

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