Bit late I know but I would like to join you.

I'm in kings cross at the moment. Where are you meeting?

Mob 07766512147

On 16 Oct 2013 11:17, "Simon Knight" <> wrote:

Hi all

Bit short notice, but if anyone is around on Friday afternoon and fancies meeting Sara Frank Bistow to talk OER & Wikipedia I’ll be meeting her at around 3pm.  We’ll either meet around the office (/pop in if anyone in the office wants to say hi?) or around Bloomsbury I think.


Sara is an OER Research Hub Fellow and has been visiting the OU on that fellowship for the last week or two.  She is also involved with the Wikipedia:CommunicateOER project which is aimed at improving the quality of OER related articles on Wikipedia and the WikiSOO (Wikipedia School of Open) course on editing Wikipedia. Some links: 

OER Research Hub Fellow - - Twitter: @OER_Hub

Communicate OER -

Salient Research - - Twitter:@SalientResearch


As I’m emailing around, on a related note I went to a University of London seminar on OER and Open Access in Distance Education yesterday, which was (understandably) very focussed on the UoL distance program rather than more generally (so no mention of some of the great Wiki initiatives), some v. brief thoughts on the session blogged here:  




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