Although note that I live on the west coast of the US, so travelling to anywhere in the UK or doing anything before 5pm UK time might not be my strength. ;-)


On 6 June 2015 at 05:46, Dan Garry (Deskana) <> wrote:
If you'd like someone who's involved in the product and strategy side of tech to help out in a working group, committee, or whatever else, let me know. I'd be happy to help.


On 5 June 2015 at 06:38, Michael Maggs <> wrote:

Wikimedia UK needs your help. We want to transform the way we work so that we can bring volunteering right into the heart of the charity.

We plan to:

These draft plans follow on from the excellent feedback we received from our last Volunteer Strategy Gathering. They deliberately don't attempt to answer all possible questions about implementation, as we think it best that both further questions and the answers to those questions should come out of collaborative discussions. The plans are not set in stone, and with the community's help they can be improved, strengthened and fleshed out.

We would like your feedback, either online or in person at our next Volunteer Strategy Gathering on Saturday 25th July 2015, in London. For more information, see the links on the right.

Feedback, comments and discussion are more than welcome on the discussion page, or you can email if you have feedback you would prefer not to make public.

To read the full details on wiki see here:

Best regards


Michael Maggs

Chair, Wikimedia UK

Wikimedia UK mailing list