It would certainly be nice to have another one to bookend the competition. I approached User:Hassocks... to see if he was interested in organising one in Sussex, but he's away for most of September.

Somewhere outside London might be nice, ideally urban and historic so that there are enough listed buildings clustered in one place. And of course a volunteer.

We could perhaps ask Rod Ward, but his neck of the woods is pretty well covered and he's put in a lot of hard work getting the lists into shape. Clem Rutter is based in Rochester, but I don't know if he has experience of organising events. Mark MacDonald is based at Lancaster University. Perhaps we could ask if he could get students involved in a Wiki Takes... event?

On 23 August 2013 12:42, Michael Maggs <> wrote:
Harry Mitchell is running a Wiki Takes Chester event on 7th September. (

Is anyone able to run another local event in September that could pull people in to the Wiki Loves Monuments competition?



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