Does anybody know anything about software you can install on a desk or lap top to track web sessions?  This is for my research at Cancer Research UK, where we want to research the web journey of people finding out about a cancer on the internet by tracking a session (they know this) and interviewing them afterwards.  There's lots advertised on the web, mostly pitched for employers spying on employees, parents on children etc etc.   Any experiences/tips etc welcome - please email me direct.  

On a different tack, can anyone help out with training sessions for research scientists at CRUK institutes in Manchester on Friday 5th December and Cambridge on Friday 12th Dececember?   Both are 3 hr sessions 2-5 pm or 1.30-4.30 pm, and it is the last 60-90 minutes where help is especially needed.   Again, please email direct,

Many thanks,

John Byrne, Wikipedian in Residence, Cancer Research UK

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