Hi all

Right, I'm not going to bore you with the long back story of this, but I was reading about the recently announced New Orleans hackathon, and as I normally do when I can't get to an event because its abroad or whatever, I go onto IRC and do my normal whiney thing (which I really hate myself for). But anyway, I got talking with 'sumanah, who is the Volunteer Development Coordinator at the Wikimedia Foundation (I guess that makes hackathons and stuff part of her job), but she suggested that if I can't get to these, why don't I organise my own...

So anyway, then we got talking about some stuff, and we decided that it would be best, especially for my first event not necessarily worry about international developers and participants as much, and that I should focus the event locally.

A few of the main hurdles with me not being able to get to the other hackathons are that my age, I'm 14 (15 in early September), so it makes finding a simple flight or whatever harder to find (because my parents don't have passports, and would not be able to afford coming with me, or finding something else to do), and cash to pay for hotel room and travel is also a problem. These problems also kind of apply to me running a hackathon, and a few solutions that came up were that 1, I hold it somewhere in Brighton, or somewhere rather close, and 2, that I contact my local chapter (if memberships a problem for no chapter support, I'll get the application in for the next meeting).

And basicly I need to know,
Oh yeah, and if anyone doesn't know what a hackathon is, I've probably left it a bit late to explain, but its a meetup with a few talks and a lot of coding and bug fixing (and for this one, specifically MediaWiki related tools (so toolserver, pybot etc as well)).

Hope I haven't forgotten anything,
-- Lewis Cawte