Alison: would you care to comment as to which interpretation you intended to be drawn from your Foundation-l comment?

2008/9/5 Thomas Dalton <>
> I think Alison has explained what she meant by that comment: the intention
> of her Foundation-l comment was that she held concerns a new WER board being
> "under the cloud of the previous (less successful) board," as opposed to her
> not trusting the new board and therefore not supporting their replacing her.

I haven't seen that explanation and I don't see how her words can be
interpreted in that way. She was pretty clear.

> At least, that's what I hope it meant. Alternative interpretations are a
> little more concerning: one would hope that the current board would hold
> enough trust in the wider WMUK community for them to support members from
> that community replacing them at the next election.

Sure, one would have hoped that, but the facts would suggest otherwise.