I think it should be note that Geograph pictures *were* badly organised. A bot has made substantial improvements to their categorisation. At one time we were had stopped moving images because of the poor categorisation. The bot may allow us to import a few hundred thousand more. (my opinion only). This is the work of one volunteer to bring c. 2 million images into better use.

On 17 January 2013 08:47, Jon Davies <jon.davies@wikimedia.org.uk> wrote:
I hope to have them in place by the end of March at the latest - is this too late?

On 16 January 2013 23:15, Andrew Gray <andrew.gray@dunelm.org.uk> wrote:
On 16 January 2013 17:39, Jon Davies <jon.davies@wikimedia.org.uk> wrote:
> John - you are in the office tomorrow - let's draw up a plan as to what
> needs to happen and make it one of the first tasks of the new GLAM
> organiser.

Would this be too late? They will probably not be around before the
start of April (assuming a month notice/moving/etc), and the reference
plan has WLM well along by then:


That said, it would certainly be an interesting project to get them
off the ground with!

- Andrew Gray

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