
Thanks for your patience. All migration has now have taken place and is fully tested. The slightly longer migration time was due to the amount of email data that had to be transferred, which took a couple of goes to make sure it all came across.

If you run into any issues using email or mailing lists please contact me ASAP. I will be in the WMUK office from ~10 am tomorrow so can be reached via phone from there, or I will be able to respond to email.


On 20 January 2013 14:17, Thomas Morton <> wrote:

In 30 minutes the main mail server migration will begin; your email inboxes (if you have them :)) will be inaccessible for around an hour as I confirm the migration was successful & get the processes running.

Mail sent to wikimedia and wikiconferences addresses during this time will be recieved, but not processed. They will be processed once I have confirmed the validity of the migration.

Mailing lists (not this one; the board, office and conference, etc.) will be inaccessible for about 2-3 hours depending on how quickly I can confirm this stage of the migration/
