I quite liked the model that was taken with the sponsers this year.

> Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2008 00:05:25 +0000
> From: businessfirst_1@yahoo.co.uk
> To: wikimediauk-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> Subject: [Wikimediauk-l] Sponsorship
> I sent an email to the list yesterday, but it's stuck in moderation till Saturday (attachment >10 K size). Till then, here's the text email without the attachment. Anyone wanting the attachment sent off-list can email me with subject "attachment please".
> Paul Sinclair
> ----- Forwarded Message ----
> To: wikimediauk-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> Sent: Tuesday, 22 July, 2008 5:47:48 PM
> Subject: Sponsorship
> If there was a presentation (word or powerpoint) for Wikimedia UK, then someone could visit a number of sites such as the Cambridge Science Park, that have business/educational ties and see if we can sign up a number of them for £500 - 1000 each. Basically, if we act like we're entitled to think at that level, we might get a surprise. We could ask for more, but to start with this at least should be feasible. We should be able to get 10 - 20 businesses signing up for that kind of sum. What have we got to offer them as a "starting point"?
> Can we use this thread to brainstorm whom we might approach. Example criteria would be:
> - Places with a number of suitable companies (central london, central manchester, university science parks, etc)
> - Places with a specific interest (education, knowledge, open source, minorities and other groups that would benefit from "self help" technologies such as wikis can provide, places that have been favorable before)
> - Philanthropical bodies (foundations, charities, individuals)
> More info:
> In overview, as a market led approach, we need to brainstorm CATEGORIES of places groups and people that have good odds of interest (go where the prospects are), brainstorm
> SPECIFIC places groups and people WITHIN THOSE CATEGORIES, and when
> that's done consider what SUPPORTING MATERIAL we might need to approach
> them and what we will OFFER "why they should want to".
> To kick-start the 3rd of those, I've attached a draft [will be sent hopefully Saturday, due to moderation] showing how we might present ourselves to banks and sponsors. It can probably be improved on, or added to, but shouldn't get too long. if someone with Powerpoint skills wants to make a graphic presentation, or someone with technical skills wants to add impressive sounding information, great. It's a targetted document, meaning, it has an aim. The aim is to present the chapter's goals and credibility to people in a way that will make them want to support us, and to put WMUK front centre stage of the work in the UK. In the spirit of the wiki, it's open to be worked on. I'm away the evening, so I can't discuss, but if someone wants to start a second thread for it, go right on!
> Let the ideas flow... :-)
> Paul Sinclair
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