Earlier this month, the board sat down for our first in-person meeting since the AGM. We talked about our plans and achievements so far this year and wrote down where we wanted the chapter to be in three years' time.

Below are the notes we made on the day, which we'd like to share with you. By their nature they are abbreviated. Please let us know any comments or input you have to these, or if you have any queries about what this would mean for the chapter.


Andrew Turvey
Wikimedia UK

----- Forwarded Message -----

Wikimedia UK Book Sprint: where do we want to be in 2013?
- Fully professionalised chapter
- Supporting non-UK chapters with historical links to the UK

- Culture
- Education
- Academic
- Community
- Multilingual

- Wikipedia Academies / Workshops. Target audiences/locations aimed at getting people involved in editing Wikipedia. Two Wikipedia academies a year? Also workshops (~6 per year?).
- Academic/external peer review process of Wikipedia articles?
- Content partnerships (led by board members)
- Fostering Wikimeets in different cities
- Community editing sessions in libraries/museums/universities/schools/etc. (parallel to meetups?)
- Yearly UK Wikimedia conference
- Fundraising/international meetings
- Wikimania???

5 November 2013: WMUK 5th birthday celebrations

        Budget                FTE staff
2010        £50,000                0.2
2011        £125,000                1.5 (+ events, 0.5 x admin [starting from August with managed office])
2012        £200,000                3 (+ fundraiser/sponsorship)
2013        £300,000                5 (+ developer, CEO/grants)
Other possibilities: media contact.
(All amounts are 50% of the total raised - starting to get grants etc. in 2013)

Also contractors for tech work etc. Potentially sharing full-time staff with like-minded organisations?

Asking Foundation to pay for first year of fundraiser/grants staff member?

WMUK Board: aim to diversify it and make it richer in experience
- Board Interest meeting on Saturday 12 February. First of an annual event?
- Trustee Proposition. Separation of executive decisions from the full Board.
- 7 board members (maybe 9 by 2013)
- 4 community-elected members, 3 expert seats proposed by the outgoing community-elected members of the Board at the AGM (subject to community approval) - 2012?
- Quarterly in-person meetings (in addition to AGM). 2011: also interim online meetings in between in person meetings.
- ExecCom for 2011, transitioning to CEO in 2013 (with ExecCom oversight). ExecCom meetings as required.
- Community appointments for 2 years (half elected each year) - avoids 'lame duck' period, adds continuity. Institutional memory. 2011.

- Advisory Board???
