On 13 March 2014 20:55, Fæ <faewik@gmail.com> wrote:
On 13/03/2014, Katie Chan <katie.chan@wikimedia.org.uk> wrote:
> All the laptops or cameras listed on <
> https://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Volunteer_equipment> are either with the
> office or in Wales as part of the Living Paths! project.......

Hi Katie, you have linked to an asset register. Is there a loan
register so you know where the laptops and cameras are today, and how
would we (volunteers) know if any had ever been lost, damaged or


Hmm laptops tend to move around in the company of WMUK staff so I'm not sure if that counts as a loan. For anything else a public list would throw up privacy concerns. I'd probably argue that anything loan longer than a single event should be noted.
