It so happens that my charity fund is exactly £250. I'm in.

Btw, please make this donation worth it, it would have gone to Women's Aid to support victims of domestic abuse otherwise...


2008/7/22 Thomas Dalton <>:
> OR 2) We offer life membership to people. Say £250. (a concessionary
> discount would probably be inappropriate as being unwaged is normally
> temporary, and a significantly larger level for both might be pushing it a
> bit as I doubt any of us are completely confident WM UK will be around in 20
> years).

That's not a bad idea, and it might well to the job (Paul has been
studying these things rather longer than the 2 or 3 days I have, so
I'd like to hear from him). £250 sounds like a reasonable price,
although I'm not sure I can really afford it. While I expect the
chapter will be around long enough to make it worthwhile, that doesn't
necessarily mean I'll be interested in being a member of the chapter
that long. I'm a student with very little income, so it's a big
commitment. Perhaps there are 19 more wealthy Wikimedians in the UK
that can help!

"But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."

-WB Yeats