
We've had an email through from one of the Wikimania organisers, and thought it best to ask you folks for input:

Short version: What are our three coolest projects between Wikimania 2011 and Wikimania 2012?

"Those of you who were at Wikimania 2011 in Haifa, may know about the "Wikimedia Chapters" session which Lodewijk presented there. A presentation of about an hour with short introductions of the wide spectrum of activities performed by the Wikimedia Chapters in the past year. To get inspiration, or to just get an image of what is happening all over the world. 
Last year Lodewijk asked every chapter in advance what their three coolest projects were, and this resulted in an amazing collection of projects which were presented at Wikimania with very short introductions. This year, something similar will happen: every chapter will fill out a form listing their three best projects.
You can share nice meetups that took place in your country, collaboration with cultural instututions (including collaboration attempts), educational programs, presentations and conferences or anything that we, as a chapter, spent time on."

What should we put down as the chapter's three coolest projects this year? 

Richard Symonds
Wikimedia UK
0207 065 0992
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