It hasn't been common practice thus far, but that's more due to risk aversion on the part of the WMUK board than anything culturally to do with the country. I'll spare you all my opinions on that subject; suffice to say I'm pleased to see it changing. Very much a step in the right direction.
Harry Mitchell
Phone: 024 7698 0977
Skype: harry_j_mitchell

From: Deryck Chan <>
To: UK Wikimedia mailing list <>
Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2012, 22:01
Subject: Re: [Wikimediauk-l] Wikimedia UK Business Cards

Am thrilled to see that WMUK is recognising its non-board member-volunteers in a tangible way!
(I've got business cards from WMHK for a while now and some of you have seen them - for a long time I thought giving regular volunteers official business cards isn't common practice in this country... maybe it still isn't)
On Jun 21, 2012 5:25 PM, "Richard Symonds" <> wrote:

I'm currently organising business cards for interested (and active!) volunteers. If you're interested, please let me know privately (off-list) within the next day or two. I need to get these cards sorted out ASAP - if you're interested I'll need your username, your phone number (if you want it on there), an email address (if you want one on there) and anything else you think relevant. It'd also be nice to know what you'd consider yourself as (eg "GLAM Volunteer"). I might need to tweak these titles a little, but not too much.

I'll also need a brief explanation of why it's important for you to have them - nothing big, just a sentence or two, something like "I do a lot of GLAM Outreach with museums in the York area, and would like the cards to appear more professional when doing projects" or "I speak fluent Cornish and would like to be able to approach Cornish organisations in a semi-official basis". 

The cards will comply with WMF Visual Identity guidelines, will be professional-looking, will be funded by WMUK. We'll keep track of who has them in the office - which means you'll need to be a chapter member, or at the very least well-known to the chapter. They won't confer any "official status" on you, and you won't be able to sign agreements or similar on behalf of the chapter (obviously), but they will help you make those first vital inroads when talking to people from GLAMs.

I can think of 5 or 6 volunteers off the top of my head who could make good use of them. Let me know ASAP. I can't promise that we'll give them out to everyone, as I need board approval, and there needs to be a good business case for it, but I think the majority of the board and staff believe that active chapter members should be able to get support like this without too much hassle. 

All the best,

Richard Symonds
Wikimedia UK
0207 065 0992

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