Train the Trainers Budget is actually 20K.

The bulk is for the weekend training sessions then some for setting up the Virtual Learning Environment, some for organising sessions requested by external organisations and the change goes for paying travel, accommodation (hostel OR hotel!) etc.

Our aim is to get three tranches of trainers trained in this financial year and, if we can, hold training out of London which would be good.(Suggestions for location that would attract people please).  If we go a bit over budget Martin and I will grovel to the board but I think this is soooooooooooo important if we are to grow new editors and enthusiastic Wikiepedians.


PS Agree with Charles that this has been a useful discussion.

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 6:13 PM, Richard Symonds <> wrote:

15k for the whole project, I believe?

Richard Symonds, Wikimedia UK

On Jun 13, 2012 5:52 PM, "Gordon Joly" <> wrote:
On 13/06/12 16:02, Thomas Dalton wrote:
This sounds like a fantastic project. Thank you Charles for agreeing
to lead it and thank you WMUK for agreeing to support it.

What is the current budget?


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