Hi all, I thought I would send a little update on some stuff that's been going on.

Wikimania finished yesterday in Montreal, and it was a great opportunity to meet community members, learn from other chapters and look forward to the future. Some highlights:

This weekend we are also hosting a Wikidata event. The Wikifying Westminster Workshop will be at Newspeak House, 133 Bethnal Green Road, Shoreditch, from 10-6pm.

We are also planning our third Newsletter of the year to go out before the end of this month, so if any of our community members have an idea for a short post about something Wikimedia related, please get in touch with me and tell me your ideas. 

Wiki Loves Monuments is starting at the beginning of September, so we are hoping to do some significant coverage of the competition this year and produce some great photos which can compete for the global awards. Why not get in touch and tell us if you are taking part and what you're doing?

John Lubbock
Communications Coordinator