Alex, though I am rarely on facebook, that is absolutely fine with me. Just hit me up when u r done. And about the google form, are you going to make the form alone or will you also create a site using google sites explaining more about the event? Let me know how I can be of help on that. Happy Holidays guys

On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 1:26 AM, Alex Wafula <> wrote:
Hey Klein,

So far, we've identified campus students and a few local companies as attendies. The companies will get invites while interested campus students will apply via a Google form. I'll be setting this up tomorrow.

I like the idea on inviting local techies to the event. Here's my thought, we could draft a list of techies to invite like we did with the companies and move on from there. And ofcourse, your involvement in this is welcomed, so feel free to chip in.

Guys, your thoughts on this?

And yeah, thumbs up to the Switzerland chapter for the support they've given us so far.


On Thu Dec 23rd, 2010 12:52 PM PST Samuel Klein wrote:

>On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 2:58 PM, Manuel Schneider
><> wrote:
>> BTW, what is up with the domain name registration? I
>> haven't heard about it since Wikimedia CH has offered to pay for it. The
>> domain name is already set up in the DNS and connected to the Wiki, just
>> the registration is missing.
>That was a lovely offer, by the way.  Three cheers for cross-chapter
>collaboration ;)
>If someone wants to RSVP for the event, who should they be in touch
>with?  Have you considered inviting some local tech or cultural
>hackers who aren't yet involved with wiki projects, like the
>organizers of the Nairobi barcamp... or grace boma on the non-tech
>Sam (Klein).
>WikimediaKE mailing list

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Samson Arosi Maosa,
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology,
Bsc. Electronics and Computer Engineering
"In this world, everything has been done but suppose we try doing it in a different (better) way?"