Thank you, Asaf! The chapter has always promoted transparency and welcomes community input. It would be excellent if you could share the original CIS MoU and all their reports submitted to you in the same spirit as you shared this.

Unlike some others out here, we are not trained to make reports which look snazzy. We are Wikipedians and not non profit professionals for whom this is business so we like to keep it simple and to the point. We will try to answer all questions to the best of our ability.

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 5:24 AM, Asaf Bartov <> wrote:
Hello, everyone.

Wikimedia India has recently submitted its latest grant report, which we have now reviewed.  It is here:
We are still awaiting some more concrete information on impact and outcomes of some of the work (see talk page) before we approve the report and close the grant, but I thought it might interest some community members to see, as one additional piece of input, in the context of the other conversations about the future of work in India.


    Asaf Bartov
    Wikimedia Foundation

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