On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 10:21 AM, Srikanth Ramakrishnan <parakara.ghoda@gmail.com> wrote:
Hisham, you say you're conducted 22+ sessions. How would you rate the
relative success of each of them? Four people editing on the day isn't
good enough. Long term editors should be used to measure success.

I think what you mean to say is that the editors on the day need to be tracked (not them: their contributions) regularly. This might aid in directing them to whatever post-outreach assistance they need, and also might result in the outreach 'business' snowballing, once other editors see how effective this is. I see two kinds of success for an outreach program:

1. Outreach multiplication, measured in outreach sessions per period (week/month/year)
2. Successful outreach sessions, measured in number of editors contributing x periods (weeks/months/years) after they participated in an outreach

There is a third possible outcome, which is identifying (and perhaps rewarding) people who are good (ie conversion of newbies into editors) at outreach. 

I also see a different kind of outreach outcome, but which probably needs a different kind of outreach session, and that is through the addition of software contributors.  
Srikanth Ramakrishnan.

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