Just noticed, Google is replacing the Translation API with Google Web Elements, available at http://www.google.com/webelements/#!/translate
Do have a look and see, if you can make anything of it.
I can't find anything from Google to replace the Transliteration API, I won't be surprised if they ask us to use the Translator toolkit.
Microsoft Translator : http://www.microsofttranslator.com/

On 28 May 2011 00:07, Srikanth Ramakrishnan <rsrikanth05@gmail.com> wrote:

While this may sound bad, it really isn't all that bad.
There are plenty of other transliterators. I personally prefer Bing to Google. You also have Quillpad and Baraha. Apart from this, I use a tool called Keymmanweb on the English wikipedia which works as an on screen indic keypad. There are plenty of alternatives to Google. Just as we don't use Google Maps for locations, but use all providers including OSM, we can try something new this time.

On May 27, 2011 11:35 PM, "Sudhanwa Jogalekar" <sudhanwa.com@gmail.com> wrote:

Google shutting down translate and transliterate APIS.
Many Indic websites & applications will now be affected

Read more here:

Looks like this is the right time for WMF tech team to create their own APIs


web: www.sudhanwa.com  blog: www.sudhanwa.in
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