
On Aug 5, 2018, at 8:40 PM, Abhinav srivastava <> wrote:

Hello Bodhisattwa, 

I won't be available from tomorrow onwards as stated in my previous mail. I would like to reply to Subhashish, this evening. 

I am a bit surprised because of I when I wrote a clarification you simply discarded and wrote, "Let WMIN reply". As advised to you on Wikimania mailing list, it would have been better if you had raised these directly with the EC. Since it is on a public mailing list, I am free to voice my opinion. 

Responses to Subhashish in line. 

On Sun, Aug 5, 2018 at 8:13 PM Bodhisattwa Mandal <> wrote:
Hi Abhinav,

Please stop diverting the topic. If those other discussions are important for you, please start separate new threads. My questions were directed to WMIN, please let them respond.


On Sun, 5 Aug 2018, 19:55 Subhashish Panigrahi, <> wrote:


On Aug 5, 2018, at 7:06 PM, Abhinav srivastava <> wrote:

Hello Subhashish, 

I would put a few of my reflections. Responses in line. 

On Sun, Aug 5, 2018 at 6:15 PM Subhashish Panigrahi <> wrote:
Just to clarify, my responses below are not about Rahul at all but in general -
Yes ! The issue is much larger.  

What Bodhi wrote earlier makes sense, “participation for chairpersons meetup is not eligibility criteria to gain a scholarship as it is an informal meetup”. A Wikimania participant gets to attend many such informal meetups, and I’d like to believe that they certainly add value to the movement. But participation in such small little occasion (not small as less worthy but small as compared to a large formal event) does not really justify a 3-4 day-long travel which affects one’s personal/work life (as you rightly put it).
I believe judgements should only be made based on objectivity.  I am not too sure if being a speaker on a global platform can be called upon as a 'such small little occassion'. Then, how do we make judgements ?
No judgements. Still stand by my words. Speaking slot in an ‘informal meetup’ that is attended by a small set of people is smaller than a formal talk in a formal event. But then, many Wikimedians whose talks and workshops get selected at Wikimania don’t get a chance to attend Wikimania in the first place for various reasons.
I would like to hear and learn more about what calls this an informal meetup.
Something that is not in the main Wikimania schedule as an open event for all during the three days during the scheduled sessions. Being in a physical space gives communities an opportunity to get together and discuss. It’s no less valuable though. But arguing that someone’s travel is valid for participation in one such meeting is a bit too much.

Just because it is an Affiliate Meetup, it begins to hold little relevance. I am not of this opinion. 
This is the first time  Wikimedia India person was called to speak and so much controversy over it. While the International Mailing List largely calls this issue 'not-required', our very own Indians have an issue with it. 

I would like to place on record, when Wikimedia India had funds, the Chapter annual plans endorsed by community stated one individual from the community and one executive commitee member. But the Chapter stayed firm in recognising the importance of the community and used to sponser both spots to its community members. 
On an invitation, executive commitee member visited and so much issues. 

Through reports, learning patterns, minutes of the meeting etc. In fact, we all such contemplate on the reports and learning patterns as found on the Meta Page. It clearly states how this agenda would be further worked upon and then taken up in the next meeting. We all should give suggestions. Thank You, Subhashish for bringing up the issue of reporting. 

Also, Subhashish, now that you have appropriate bandwidth, I believe refelctions on the Bengaluru meetup can be done.
I never said I have the appropriate bandwidth now. :) In fact, I’m trying to reflect on something that is recent - Wikimania - with the community. The Bangalore meeting is no longer a priority for me at the moment. I shared the notes with the community right after the meeting.

Yes ! You did not said so. I apologise for that. Since you were voicing over the Internet I though so. Sorry Agian, about that. 
Thank You for recognising that Bengaluru meeting is no longer a priority. Being a party to one episode and simultaneously voicing your concerns on another episode. I am confused on this. 
I was a participant. There was an Etherpad (I can search it when online from computer but others who were there in the meeting can fill in if I get back late).

Don't mind but can you please share relevant links  
I shared the Etherpad link with the community. Many are active on social media and I pinged them on chat. There was nothing big for Odia but there were some that were relevant.

Again, the Bangalore discussion is irrelevant here.

I thought I shared the fact that I had shared the discussions with my own community.
It would be a great learning experience for delegrates attending next year Wikimedia Conference. :) .   Please Note : No Attempts to deviate from the topic. 
It’s clearly deviating from the main topic. Better to start a new thread instead.
Okay. Your Concerns Understood. 

Also, I personally think that if a question is directed towards an organization, it’s better to wait for sometime until they get back. We, as a community, have quite some time now until next Wikimania to set a better standard and fix if something is broken. :)
Of Course  ! Both Wikimedia India and CIS-A2K are responsive and this is a welcome step. I would like to bring to attention, once the Wikimedia India Program Director had initiated an idea that particular volunteer to attend only two Wikimania and in turn leave space for other volunteers. 
It was a suggestion from Ravi and not something set in stone.

Let's not take names.  I said myself it is an idea.

Some of our community members have been visiting Wikimania like from Hong Kong Wikimania in 2013, United Kingdom Wikimania in 2014, Mexico Wikimania in 2015, Italy Wikimania in 2016, Canadan Wikimania in 2017 and now South Afrcia. 
What’s the point here? Wikimedians from India are a subset of a much larger community and there are Wikimedians who have attended all the Wikimanias. Where you’re going with this statement?
I am sorry for if this has hurt you down. Of Course ! You are free to attend All Wikimania's.  
Why should it hurt me? :)

No, it doesn’t, and I’m open to discuss about what value I brought back to the community after participating in Wikimania.

Sorry to say this, but this is really offtopic discussion to drag towards one person when we should be discussing about community and organizational policies. I might stop replying back if you keep inserting threads that are dragging the discussion to something else. I can send you offlist what I’m doing after coming back from Wikimania. One of them is I have recorded and uploaded about 1900 audio recording — after attending a session on Lingua Libre — on Commons, and all those recordings will make their way to Wiktionary.

I’m certainly free as a Wikimedian to decide whether I apply for a scholarship or not. :)

This is just a suggestion floated since the idea of next year Wikimania is discussed.  Wikimedia Projects are about the art of giving and making space for other volunteers could just be one step. 
Still not sure. I don’t remember very well but I probably will check again from the archives - Phoebe shared a long note earlier. If one Wikimedian from India does not apply for a scholarship it doesn’t mean that another Wikimedian from India would receive it. Not sure if it works that way.

A Global Village.
This itself is a different discussion. Many deserving Wikimedians that I personally know don’t apply and don’t take help when offered. There is a lot of scope to support Wikimedians who are not native English speakers or are not well versed.

Let’s just acknowledge the fact that there are way too many things. It’s important to discuss one thing at a time.

A2K providing support to the community (Wikimedia India included) in general is a good practice. Maybe this is the right time for the community to come forward to share what they feel should be the right way (or ways) A2K could follow while supporting someone from Wikimedia India. The way they support the individual Wikimedians (from the scholarship waitlist) seems fairly simple and straightforward. Supporting WMIN lies in a grey area because one individual from 7 people gets selected. The consensus process involved in that process need to be more transparent.

Yes ! Definitely. Transparency is the key.  I am glad that CIS-A2K stood firm in apologising. This is a very welcome step. However as pointed out in my previous mail, supporting a scholarship reciepient in waiting and a speaker are two different subjects. I am not sure if judgements such as 'grey areas' should be made but Yes it calls for a discussion on how things should work upon. 

The consensus process is also something that calls for a discussion. From informing the team members to taking consensus, the community's will on this should be recorded with the Chapter. It is nice to hear that EC was copied in the request mail and aderance to transparecy is being made. 


P.S : I may be slow in responses to future mails for the next 6 days. I am no travel. 


On Aug 5, 2018, at 2:27 PM, Bodhisattwa Mandal <> wrote:

I was expecting a reply from WMIN.


On Sun, 5 Aug 2018, 14:25 Abhinav srivastava, <> wrote:
Hello Bodhisattva, 

Please allow me to respond to your confusions. Responses in line. 

Again, as stated in my first mail on the thread, you are making too many value-judgments with un-friendly tone. 

On Sun, Aug 5, 2018 at 12:27 PM Bodhisattwa Mandal <> wrote:
Hi Yohann,

Thanks for your reply, much appreciated.

I have read your previous e-mail very carefully, without missing a single word.

My question still stands. Many apologies, if I have not been able to make it clear in my previous mails, so I am adding some more perspective.

1) Chairpersons meeting in Wikimania is informal. It's not related to the main program of Wikimania. For example, like many other informal meetups, there happens to be a steward meetup every year in Wikimania. Now, if one steward, who have not received scholarship, is invited in the meetup, then he/she will have to spend his own money to attend the meeting. Same principle lies here, participation for chairpersons meetup is not eligibility criteria to gain a scholarship as it is an informal meetup. Can you please provide some documentation, where it is written that scholarship would be provided to attend informal meetups? Because if that is true, everyone will find someone to invite themselves to attend informal meetups in Wikimania and ask for scholarship from WMIN from next year.
If you check the agenda section, WMIN President gave a talk on Conflict Resolution, this is followed my summary in the notes.  When there are so many conflicts in Wikimedia communities across the globle, someone from India is invited to put this theories towards resolution. This is a welcome step. From Notes to his Summary Talk to how this will be carried forward for future course, every thing is documented. 

He did not simply attend the meeting as a participant or representing Wikimedia India, he was a lead on the 3rd point of the Agenda which is Conflcit Resolution. Everything on it is documented. 

2) I have checked and rechecked the minute[1] and event page[2] of chairpersons meeting of Wikimedia Conference, Berlin. Nowhere there is a proof that he has attended that meeting. So, I have doubt that he was invited at all because there is no point to invite someone who didn't attend the meeting previously even he was present there. Can you provide the documentation of his invitation?


I am sure when Wikimedia India President is invited to give a talk on a defined Agenda, 'Conflict Resolution' and CIS-A2K is approving his request, he must on record have recieved an invitation. 

It cannot be that without an invitation someone would travel so far.  Also, please remember, unlike WMF staff or CIS-A2K, when someone from Wikimedia India has to travel, he has to forgoe his personal paid holidays. WMF staff or CIS-A2K travel abroad calling it 'On Work'. 

3) As I said earlier, even if I believe that he was invited, already there were 2 EC members (Viswa and Krishna) present in Wikimania who went there with full scholarship. You can check that president's participation is not at all mandatory. Why WMIN didn't told them to attend the informal meeting of chairpersons on behalf of the Chapter? Are they considered unfit or incapable to attend the meeting, if yes, why so?

This is about merit of the particular individual. This has nothing to do with the other Two EC.  

Secondly, stating this again, he didn't travel simply to attend the meeting, he was given a set agenda to speak that is 'Conflict Resolution'. It was a subject of one's personal merit on which the organising committee invited him, this cannot be passed to other members of the same affiliate. 

4) Lastly, Wikimania and Wikimedia Conference are not the same. Whereas Wikimedia Conference is for affiliates, Wikimania is for volunteers. So, sending an affiliate representative with the donation money, depriving a Wikimedia volunteer who was in the waiting list and supposed to attend the conference, is utter misuse of power and money. Can you please explain that? 

I do not think that if Wikimedia India President didn't go someone else would have been promoted. CIS-A2K should give a clarification on this. 

Simply stating it once again, he didn't just travel to attend the conference, he was a speaker. This is entirely a different subject.  

5) Lastly, did WMIN inform the volunteer who was supposed to attend the conference, that Rahul Desmukh has been sent instead of him, because Rahul is the president of WMIN whereas he is just a volunteer? 

In response to statement 4.  

I am sure, you will read my e-mail carefully as I did to yours. Also, I hope this mail won't affect the friendship between us and you won't take it personally. 

Waiting for your detailed reply,


Additional Comment : When someone  India is selected or rather invited to give talk in an attempt to resolve the global problem. For me, this is a welcome step. 

I am sorry but again I find you to harsh towards the India Chapter. This is my personal observation. 


On Sun, 5 Aug 2018, 11:08 Yohann Thomas, <> wrote:
(sorry for the delay, just following the 24hrs email rule) 

Hi Bodhi

I would request you to please read my email completely. If you want, I can give you an excerpt of my email, which should answer your questions. 

//In a similar way, our President Mr Rahul Deshmukh had earlier attended the Berlin Wikimedia Conference representing Wikimedia India & then subsequently was invited to Wikimania, especially the Chairperson's meeting at Wikimania. You will find the agenda in the link below. 

With this invitation , Rahul Deshmukh had requested CIS-A2K to fund its trip & they accepted his proposal. //

Yohann Thomas 
Wikimedia India 

On Fri 3 Aug, 2018, 18:33 Bodhisattwa Mandal, <> wrote:
Hi Yohann,

Thanks for your mail.

If you check the link of chairperson's meeting, you can see, that many participants were not president of any affiliates, they attended the meeting on behalf of the president. For example, Nahid Sultan attended the meeting on behalf of Wikipedia Bangladesh (WMBD) as the General Secretary of WMBD. It is not mandatory to join the meeting as a President of any affiliates, usually, if one representative of an affiliate is present in that conference, he can represent the affiliate. 

In Wikimania 2018, 2 EC members, Viswa Prabha and Krishna Chaitanya Velaga, were present and one of them could have attended the meeting on behalf of WMIN. Can you please explain, why WMIN decided to spend a huge amount of donation money to send WMIN president to attend a meeting, where his presence is not at all mandatory. Does WMIN consider these two members unfit to attend such meeting? 

Waiting for your reply,

On 3 Aug 2018 6:05 pm, "Yohann Thomas" <> wrote:
Dear Bodhi & other community members

First of all, I would apologise for the delay in reply. Wikimedia India is run by 7 board members(as you are already aware) & any discussion on any topic, requires inputs from all of them.. Since all are unpaid volunteers & have their own professional lives apart from Wikimedia India, there was a delay in drafting a reply. 

As it is a well known fact, Wikimedia India is a volunteer run organisation. There are board members, who discharge their duties towards the chapter, as well as serve their regional communities (as well as user groups) in their volunteer roles.

Another well known fact is that, Wikimedia India still isn't financially independent & is still dependent on external funding which is fraught with regulatory hurdles, including obstacles related to FCRA.

Having said that, many community members juggle their different roles in community, affiliates, committees & in personal & professional roles to attend different conferences run by the Wikimedia & its volunteers around the world. 
In a similar way, our President Mr Rahul Deshmukh had earlier attended the Berlin Wikimedia Conference representing Wikimedia India & then subsequently was invited to Wikimania, especially the Chairperson's meeting at Wikimania. You will find the agenda in the link below. 

With this invitation , Rahul Deshmukh had requested CIS-A2K to fund its trip & they accepted his proposal. 

Going a little off topic & concluding my email, I would really want to appreciate & acknowledge the work done by Abhinav on & offline in relation to the chapter. Eventhough Abhinav, prematurely left the chapter before his term expired, he still continues to support the chapter on different issues, inspite of us still battling with all our regulatory hurdles. I wish there were more such vocal well wishers, when the chapter is going through a difficult time. 

Yohann Thomas 
Wikimedia India 

On Fri 27 Jul, 2018, 12:32 Bodhisattwa Mandal, <> wrote:

WMIN chapter president Rahul Deshmukh attended Wikimania 2018 in Cape Town without being selected for any type of scholarship. My question is why was he sent to the conference depriving other community members from India who were in the waiting list.

He spoke in the informal chairpersons' meetup for few minutes. The meeting doesn't require president of the organization's presence, and already there were 2 EC member of WMIN present, who could have attended the meeting. 

To me, this is utter misuse of power and abuse of donation money.

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