
Do you not think that it would be better to ask that donations be used to only fund certain aspects of the movement - for eg to power the servers etc. than to ask for a blanket ban on such donations?

Your comments are focused on one aspect of the movement which as Wikimedians we should be able to sort out through dialogue. I know how frustrating this can be - especially being volunteers with other things that demand our time and attention. Losing your cool and venting your frustration achieves little and it puts off other people from contributing to these discussions.

I believe this is an important discussion to have for us as a community. By the nature of the Internet, we go beyond physical geographies. I hope we do not restrict this down to one nation. 

Warm regards,

On Wednesday, 30 April 2014, Ravishankar <ravidreams@gmail.com> wrote:
Why should Wikimedia donors pay for the mistakes of the WMF?

I am thinking if we should start campaigning asking people not to donate to WMF citing wasteful expenditures like these.

Please point if any such campaign already exists.


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