Dongles are a good idea for another reason: it avoids getting entangled with the wikipedia security feature against admitting drone registrations. If newbies register using their own dongles, the gate won't be flagged.

Of course, the organisers will already have applied for an exemption (and if not, please do so asap), so it isn't a critical issue, but it is good to have an alternate plan on standby.

Fool On The Hill
"The cameras were all around. We've got you taped; you're in the play. 
Here's your I.D. (Ideal for identifying one and all.) 
Invest your life in the memory bank; ours the interest and we thank you."
Jethro Tull: A Passion Play (1973)

On Nov 30, 2012 12:05 PM, "Nitika Tandon" <> wrote:

On 29-Nov-2012, at 4:20 PM, Pradeep Nair wrote:


Thanks, Nitika.

It might also be a good idea to ask participants to get their dongles as backup.

Also, please keep us informed on the GLAM discussions, as this may be of interest to some of us on this list, like me. :)


Good idea Pradeep. Shall do that!  :-)

In addition, GLAM meeting with State Central Library is scheduled for 13th Dec 10.30am. Please let me know if anyone would like to join, maybe we can organise a Google hangout as well.


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