Just to chime in with some observations (empirical, possibly OT) about means of communication. IRC is one of those elegant solutions that just aren't everyone's cup of tea, but sometimes because they haven't tried. Actually, it is the nearest thing to a physical meeting, with the same rules of conduct. It requires only a minimal bandwidth connection, and (afaik) has no limitation of people participating. 

In this sense it competes headon with Hangout and so on, but, because it has somewhat of an 'insider' perspective (entirely unearned) not many people feel that comfortable using it. It is text only, and nobody cares if you type slowly or badly. It is not useful for file transfers and so on, so one cannot 'show' how something works or should work, or what the problem is. This is usually not the purpose to which it is put, either. 

The only prerequisite is that you should have something (hopefully relevant) to say. The person choosing (or chosen) to summarise the meeting can do as Pradeep suggested, and do so on an open wikipage which can then be used to discuss wider, including those people who could not attend, but feel they have not conceded the right or duty to contribute by not doing so (maybe their mother-in-law was visiting, or something equally critical).

On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 10:17 PM, Pradeep Mohandas <pradeep.mohandas@gmail.com> wrote:

I hope some of the IRC-veterans can pitch in here. 

Not everyone is comfortable with IRC. I think these sessions will be more helpful for all involved if we had a statement put up on a wiki or on the mailing list by individuals who want to make these statements and then have a round of questions around the topics (as an example: community and outreach) which were meant to be discussed at the meeting.

Then, perhaps throw the floor open for general questions that members of the community want to raise. I think this will make it interactive and not be percieved as a narrative or a one-sided discussion. These may not have been intentional and should have been raised earlier.

I hope the Office continues this practice and tries to improve its effectiveness as they move forward.

warm regards,

On 15 March 2012 20:45, Hisham <hisham@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Reminder that we are starting in 15 minutes.

Do join in!  Details below.


On Mar 15, 2012, at 8:38 AM, Hisham wrote:

Gentle reminder. Do join in.


On Mar 11, 2012, at 6:41 AM, Hisham wrote:

Hi Folks

One of the essential things that India Program needs to constantly work out is keeping the community informed of the work that we are doing - so that this work is clearer but also to help cross-pollinate ideas amongst a wider set of community members who might not have been engaged on specific village pump / talk page discussion or involved in particular activities (e.g. outreach events) or wikiprojects.

We used to have a monthly IRC with the community and India Program.   (For those who are not familiar with IRC, it is an Internet messaging system similar to a regular chat room.  It's very simple to use and you can join in by clicking on the following link: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#wikimedia-office.)  I have been remiss in conducting these for the past few months - and I'd like to make amends by restarting, with a couple of modifications.

a) I'd like to propose fortnightly instead of monthly.  (I was wary of doing it any more frequently than monthly earlier because I didn't know if there would be enough on the plate to discuss.  I have changed my mind now - because there is too much to discuss to cover in a single monthly session.)  I'd like to propose that we do it in the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month at 9pm IST (which is GMT + 0530) - THOUGH NOT THIS MONTH - BECAUSE I HAVE MISSED THE TIMELINE.  Just for March, we will do it on March 15th and March 29th (both at 9pm IST which is GMT + 0530)
b) I'd like to propose that we do it focussed on specific work streams instead of general.  The reason I say this is that - as with many community meet-ups, folks will give time to attend a meet-up or participate in an IRC only if there is a topic of relevance to them.  To that extent, we could do one IRC on Indic languages and one on Outreach & Communications.  I'd start both the IRCs with a re-cap of India Programs activities for the fortnight (or so) prior to the IRC and forward from the IRC - and then we could talk about either Indic langauges or Outreach & Communications.

The March 15th one will be focussed on Indic Languages and the one on March 29th will be on Outreach & Communications.  

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