tcherto. E qual foi o fato controverso?

Em 22/12/2010 08:31, Béria Lima escreveu:
Sim tens. Quando fores "fichar" uma pessoa viva tens que se sempre seguir a Politica sobre Biografias de Pessoas Vivas ( ) qu diz que qualquer facto controverso deve ter uma fonte fiavel para comprová-lo.
Béria Lima (Beh)

No dia 22 de Dezembro de 2010 07:34, bvh <> escreveu:
 aliás, acabei de ajudar a completar o
"fichamento" de Ana de Hollanda, futura ministra
da Cultura, na Wikipedia. Estava bem basiquinho,
catei dados cá e lá e acrescentei onde pareceu ser
devido. Será q eu deveria "tomar mais cuidado"?
um perigo fazer esse fichamento numa enciclopédia
pública... né?



Em 20/12/2010 22:47, Alexandre Hannud Abdo escreveu:
> Ni!
> Bvh, cite suas fontes e tome mais cuidado, não há nada nesses links e
> emails que leve à conclusão de que são as mesmas pessoas e não
> homônimos. Aliás, as informações neles sugerem o contrário.
> Também não acho legal fazer fichamento de terceiros numa lista pública.
> Carol, vou te mandar um e-mail pessoal com o e-mail e telefone de um
> deles, caso deseje contactá-los. Se mais alguém tiver interesse, basta
> me pedir.
> Abraços,
> ale
> ´´
> On 12/20/2010 09:22 PM, bvh wrote:
>> Os quatro donos do site pedinte:
>> _
>> Marcelo Tolentino: _
>> 29 anos
>>      Formado em Jornalismo desde 2001, Marcelo Tolentino é repórter de
>>      política do Notícias do Dia, da RIC Record. Gosta de transitar pelos
>>      bastidores políticos e falar sobre todas as questões urbanas da
>>      Grande Florianópolis. Nascido e criado em Imbituba, Sul do Estado,
>>      mora desde 2002 em Florianópolis. É sagitariano, vascaíno e também
>>      torcedor do Imbituba, beatlemaníaco, desorganizado e gosta de jogar
>>      conversa fora. Twitter: @Tolentino_ND
>> --------------------------
>> _Saulo Brito _
>>      São Paulo, SP, Brazil
>>      Ilustrador 2D
>> ----------------------------------
>> _Anderson Nunes_ e _Rafael dos Santos_ achei vários. Difícil saber quais
>> são os dois q interessam. (talvez o radialista e o comentarista de futiba.)
>> abraço!
>> Betty
>> Em 20/12/2010 17:43, Carolina Rossini escreveu:
>>> Alguem sabe algo sobre o abaixo? Wikipedias pedindo doacao ao Eike
>>> batsita?
>>> Obrigada,
>>> Carol
>>> ---
>>> Wikipedia Fans Use Facebook And Twitter To Ask Billionaire Eike Batista For Help
>>> Dec. 19 2010 - 6:42 pm | 1,074 views | 1 recommendation | 2 comments
>>> A Web site created by Wikipedia enthusiasts is asking Brazilian
>>> billionaire Eike Batista for a donation.
>>> Four enterprising Wikipedia fans have launched a full-fledged social
>>> media campaign to try to convince Brazilian billionaire Eike Batista
>>> (the world’s eighth richest man) to donate some cash to the nonprofit
>>> organization.
>>> Wikipedia, a volunteer-authored online encyclopedia, claims nearly 400
>>> million people surf its pages each month. It’s celebrating its tenth
>>> year anniversary in January and apparently having trouble reaching its
>>> fundraising goal (it doesn’t charge users or sell advertising).
>>> The organization is trying to raise $16 million through its Wikimedia
>>> Foundation to “pay for staff salaries and technology.” According to
>>> its fundraising site (last modified December 17), it’s still $5.1
>>> million away from reaching that goal for 2010.
>>> The Wikipedia enthusiasts’ approach to help the organization get some
>>> cash from Batista is simply to use Twitter and Facebook to promote a
>>> dedicated Web site — The campaign has already garnered
>>> national media attention in Brazil but the social pickup seems to be
>>> lukewarm (as of this posting boasts 146 tweets and 150
>>> Facebook “likes”).
>>> According to
>>> The purpose of our campaign is to make this business-savvy man aware
>>> of the importance of Wikipedia, in the hopes that he will make a
>>> generous donation to the foundation.”
>>> Why target Eike Batista? The group behind the effort told Brazilian
>>> newspaper Folha de São Paulo that they recalled Batista’s announcement
>>> last year to donate to Madonna’s charity and thought he’d deem
>>> Wikipedia to also be a worthy cause.
>>> Batista, worth $27 billion as of our latest tally, supports a variety
>>> of philanthropic causes in addition to Madonna’s charity. His
>>> financing helped Rio de Janeiro win its bid for the 2016 Olympic
>>> Games; he’s pledged $5 million toward nature conservation and all
>>> together donated some $35 million in 2009. (Read Batista’s profile
>>> here.)
>>> An email’s out to find out Batista’s thoughts on making a donation to
>>> Wikipedia; no word back from the billionaire’s camp yet.
>>> #eikepedia
>>> Let's return the effort of millions who have contributed to Wikipedia
>>> by requesting a generous donation from the Brazilian businessman
>>> @eikebatista.
>>> Spread this project with the hashtag #eikepedia on social networks.
>>> Jimmy Wales is an American Internet entrepreneur who became known to
>>> the public in 2001 as a co-founder of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
>>> project. The nonprofit organization that maintains the encyclopedia --
>>> Wikimedia -- does not rely on traditional forms of revenue. Thus, to
>>> maintain this invaluable, free resource, Wikimedia holds an annual
>>> fundraising campaign. This year's target is to reach 16 million
>>> dollars in over two months.
>>> An ambitious goal, yes, but essential considering every month nearly
>>> 400 million people access over 17 million articles in over 270
>>> languages! Join us, #keepitfree! Read more about Wikipedia and this
>>> fundraising.
>>> Eike Batista is a Brazilian businessman who works in several
>>> industries, particularly in the areas of mining and petroleum. He is
>>> known for his daring feats in the world of business, and he himself
>>> has often been labeled as adventurous. He is the head of an estate
>>> valued at 27 billion dollars, and in 2010 Forbes Magazine listed him
>>> as the 8th richest person in the world.
>>> The purpose of our campaign is to make this business-savvy man aware
>>> of the importance of Wikipedia, in the hopes that he will make a
>>> generous donation to the foundation.
>>> Português | English
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