Please register by Friday with your passportĀ info (because we are crossing the Canadian border!) to join the Wiki-Train to WikiConference North America in Toronto thisĀ November.

There will be two group trips, one from NYC to Toronto on Nov 8, and another from Toronto to NYC on Nov 13. You can join for one or both.

Here is the Google form for the passport info, fill it out by Friday Sep 8:

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We need to submit the form to Amtrak this week, but can change later, so if you're possibly interested, I'd encourage you to fill it out!

Friends, partners and family are welcome on the Wiki-Train as well at the same discounted rate, and their info should be filled in too, as long as they plan to participate in WikiConference North America as well.

Please respond directly to this email if you have any questions about the wiki-train.

More train details here:
