Despite two of our regular attendees not being able to make it during the holiday weekend, I'm really happy with how this event went. We had 5 editors and 2 guests in attendance, which broke the attendance record of 5 total for our first meetup two years ago. It was the first meetup for 2 of the editors.


I was expecting the new location to be an improvement, but it was a more significant improvement than I expected. We were able to sit at benches in the shade. Parking was very easy and close. It was easy to find each other. There were multiple food options within a quarter of a mile walk. We forgot to bring recreational equipment, but during lulls in the conversations we could watch the local SCA group practice.
After getting caught up with each other's activities, we had several discussions. Data about WikiProject popularity was a good conversation starter. We were all surprised at how popular the National Register of Historic Places and Disaster Management WikiProjects are. We looked at recent reports from several international, funded groups. Participating in library and university events focused on free knowledge, hosting edit-a-thons, and photography outings were all things we are interested in arranging. I'm going to follow up with Ganeshk and LadyofShalott about the necessary paperwork.
One of our new members, Juan, suggested a video might help with attracting new members. After some discussion, we settled on making a time lapse video that shows how an actual article progresses from stub to featured status. I've done a fair bit of data visualization work, so I'm going to prototype a simple, automated animation, and then we can polish it with proper editing and design. I'm going to send this summary out to the email list and then post some pictures here from the event later this week.