I just saw the start of the new article on the library itself:
Thanks for kicking it off, Gaurav, and the photo looks great (thanks Todd!),

On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 11:29 PM, Gaurav Vaidya <gaurav@ggvaidya.com> wrote:

On 16 Nov, 2013, at 10:51 PM, Todd Allen <toddmallen@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good seeing everyone today.
YES! Thanks for coming down everybody! I've started making a list of things we did today at:
 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/Boulder/November_2013#What_we_did

Please do add the many, many things that I've missed to this list!

> Don't piss off the pigeon.
Too late! He already seems unhappy.

> We should start planning the next one of these soon as we can. Maybe can get a better turnout.
Yeah. I would suggest aiming for a relatively small museum-linked event in the first or second week of December (i.e. before I leave on December 16) -- not too much new advertising, focus on people who've attended previous meetings, that sort of thing. Or we could have another meeting in the Boulder Library, but really go crazy with getting the word out so we get as many people as possible. What do you think?

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