Shouldn't be a problem. I'll need directions though or something a GPS can recognize, not too familiar with Lafayette.

I also might have a point and shoot you can use but I'll have to see if the battery is still any good.

On Sep 24, 2013 10:45 PM, "Isarra Yos" <> wrote:
Lafayette? Would that be doable? *kitty eyes*

I'd kind of just written this entire thing as impossible, hence my complete lack of response until now. Not that I even have a camera or anything to contribute but comaraderie anyhow...

On 25/09/13 03:42, Todd Allen wrote:

I was already planning to take my car. Where would you need a ride from?

On Sep 24, 2013 8:33 PM, "Isarra Yos" <> wrote:
On 25/09/13 02:35, Gaurav Vaidya wrote:
Hi everybody,

On 24 Sep, 2013, at 9:50 AM, Todd Allen <> wrote:
Boulder would be fine with me. What would you have in mind for it?
I've put up some ideas at and might be able to borrow a friend's car if we need wheels in the area.

Let me know what you think! I notice that Kimon just signed up for Denver, and if Todd's still in, that's four of us! So if there's enough people who are more interested in Denver, we could switch back there.

Wikimedia-US-CO mailing list
If you can get a car, I'd come. Problem is I'm in the middle of nowhere and buses don't really go from here to denver.


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