Have fun guys, we will Skype. :)

On 4 January 2011 09:23, York Koon Tan <yktan9@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all, i'd be interested to attend. As I am posted overseas at the moment, might not be able to help much in terms of organizing it.

YK Tan

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 2:08 AM, Gaurav Vaidya <gaurav@ggvaidya.com> wrote:
Hello folks!

On 29-Dec-2010, at 4:18 AM, Anirudh Bhati wrote:
> There are only a few of us on this list, so we must make the best out
> of whatever capital we have here.  The Tenth Anniversary of the
> Wikipedia project is fast approaching[0] and Gaurav Vaidya is helping
> support a small event to celebrate the occasion.[1]  Is there a way we
> could make this happen in Singapore?
If you're interested in attending, could you please fill in this form: http://tinyurl.com/wikipedia-10-singapore
I'm trying to get a good estimate of the number of people interested - three people have e-mailed me regarding this, so there is *some* interest.

> Mohan, would you help Gaurav and Terence to find a venue and structure
> the event? It could be an informal barbeque party where Wikipedia
> enthusiasts gather around to celebrate the anniversary of our
> movement.  Funds can be made available from the Wikimedia Foundation
> through the grants process.[2]
Probably the best option for 5-20 people would be Hackerspace.sg [1] - they're usually pretty good about supporting open source/open content groups. If there's fewer than five, we could just meet somewhere for coffee and cake and reminisce :). If we're doing it at Hackerspace, I think we should try getting it a bit more structured: there'll be other people around, and we'd want to attract people to the cause.

> Preetam (on-list) told me about a bar-owner in SG making donations to
> the Wikimedia Foundation based on the number of drinks sold.
Woah! Which is that? Sounds awesome.


[1] http://hackerspace.sg/
Wikimedia-SG mailing list

Wikimedia-SG mailing list

Terence Ong
ACS International Singapore