Hola folks,

Wikimedia’s Developer Relations team is organizing a 2-day workshop around Google Code-in for high school students of the ChickTech organization b/w December 9-10th, 2017 in San Francisco (657 Bryant Street).

Here is a tentative event schedule: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/ChickTech_High_School_Kickoff_2017

We are looking to fill out a few volunteer slots.

If you are familiar with editing articles, creating user scripts on Wikipedia and could offer help in facilitating an activity, be bold, edit the wiki, add your name to the Leader column and email me off-list. We will then reach out to you for further instructions!

With quality mentors and caring support, this event will make an impact in helping female newcomer with technical background find their way into our community. You don't need to be an expert to help someone feel welcome. Who knows, you may even learn something yourself! :)



Srishti Sethi
Developer Advocate
Technical Collaboration team
Wikimedia Foundation
