* Community Health Learning Campaign [1]

* Learning Day at Wikimania Mexico [2]

* New virtual meet-up: Writing Contests panel [3]

* Community Capacity Development Framework [4]

Greetings Program Leaders and Evaluators!

Important updates from Learning and Evaluation:

== Community Health Learning Campaign [1] ==

The Learning and Evaluation team launched a new learning campaign about Community Health [1], that takes place from July 15 to August 15. We want to capture community impressions on what makes a healthy community online. Share your views and participate in a drawing to win a Wikimania 2016 scholarship! On the campaign page, you will also find how people engaged at Community Engagement booth at Wikimania.

What makes you feel welcome on the wiki projects? What makes you feel like you don't belong here? What shared values bring us together online? These are some of the questions that we hope will bring out community views on this topic. Engage on a fantastic learning experience: Wikimania! Join us online as we launch this conversation about Community Health. Contribute a drawing or answer the questions below.

== How did Learning and Evaluation engage at Wikimania Mexico? [2] ==

The last movement conference was an opportunity for our team to engage in different manners. On the days prior to Wikimania, we hosted a Learning Day, where participants engaged in topics like SMART proposal design, Volunteer Engagement, Reporting and Storytelling, talking about failure, and a number of relevant tools for reporting. You can now revisit the presentations shared and find on the event page the outcomes of the day [2].

The conference was also the scene where we launched a new Learning Campaign around Community Health. We asked people who approached the booth to tell us what a healthy community looks like to them. You can engage online, too, until august 15! [1]

Finally, our team hosted two more learning sessions at the conference: Making it count (on data-driven decisions for Wikimedia programs), and GLAM Learning Circles (to continue with the work started at GLAM-Wiki).

== New virtual meet-up: program leader panel on Writing Contests [3] ==

We invite program leaders to take part in a panel where they can present their experience coordinating an editing contest on Wikipedia. This virtual event will be a chance to look together at the data published on the evaluation report after the last round of data collection. It will also be an opportunity to get acquainted with different case studies across the movement. Join us! Sign up on the Google Hangout event page [3]. The meet-up will be recorded and available later on our Youtube channel.   

== Community Capacity Development Framework [4] ==

The Wikimedia Foundation conducted qualitative research into strengths, challenges and needs of different communities. The aim? To further understand the breadth and scope of capacity needs in emerging communities. The first phase of this framework was community research. To this end, interviews were conducted with 16 emerging communities or countries through in-depth video and in-person interviews with a small group of community members. Read about the seven different capacities identified on the report of phase 1 of this project [4].  

As always, stay up to date with upcoming news and events by following our events page [5]!

María Cruz  \\  Communications and Outreach Coordinator, L&E Team \\ Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.               

[1] Community Health Learning Campaign

[2] Learning and Evaluation team at Wikimania México

* Learning Day event page:  

and presentations:

* Making it count:

* GLAM Learning circles:

[3] New virtual meet-up: Writing Contests

* Sign up on the event page:

* Writing Contest Evaluation report: http://meta.wikimedia/org/wiki/Grants:Evaluation/Evaluation_reports/2015/Writing_Contests

* Youtube channel:

[4] Community Capacity Development Framework:

* Main page:

* Phase 1:  

[5] Upcoming Events Section in Evaluation Portal: