Happy New Year!

We have released the latest program evaluation about on-wiki writing contests.

As we have asked previously, we would love your reviews and comments on this report. Preferably, on the talk page of the evaluation. On-wiki writing contests have shown that they do meet their priority goals, but research can still be done (like all of the evaluations we have produced so far). 

We hope you'll find time to share and review this report:


Also, I'll be contact many of you again as a reminder about survey collection. If you have produced surveys at anytime in the past, or have a survey you would like to share with us, we want it. We need to collect surveys so we can develop high demand surveying tools that so many of you have asked us about.[1]

Thanks everyone, and happy new year, 


[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Programs:Evaluation_portal/Parlor/Questions#Have_you_created_or_collected_surveys_for_your_program_implementations.3F

Sarah Stierch
Wikimedia Foundation Program Evaluation & Design Community Coordinator
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